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- Rice Granary of MIMAROPA
- Calamansi King of the Country
- Banana Industry Profile
- Coconut
- Food Basket of the Southern Tagalog Region
- Seaweed Farms
- Fishery Industry Profile
- Commercial/ Community Orchards for High Value Fruits Crops
- Organic Rice Production
- Development of New Rice-Based Products
- Development of New Banana-Based Products
- Development of New Coconut-Based Products
- Development of New Calamansi-Based Products
- Vacuum Fried Fruits/Vegetables

Food Innovation Festival 2023: Lutong Mindoreño

PAGO, ATI pursues Roadmap for Oriental Mindoro Priority Commodities

PAGO, MFI Raise MPA Awareness Among Youth
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Rice Granary of MIMAROPA

Average rice production (2022):
599,659.60 MT from an effective harvestable average area ,of 116,053.25 hectares at an average yield of 5.2 MT/ha
Rice Sufficiency Level (2022)
Calamansi King of the Country

The province ranks 1st in Calamansi production in the country with 33.68% contribution to national production and 96.77% to the regional output (PSA, 2020)
Average Area:
5,883.41 hectares (PSA, 2015-20)
Average Production (PSA- Country Stat, 2015- 2020):
Yield (MT/ ha):
Number of Farmers:
Number of Processors (Calamansi Ready-to-Drink Juice/Concentrate):
Farm Gate Price:
Peak season- Php 40.52/ kilo
Lean Season Php 50.65/ kilo
Ave Retail Price
Peak Season Php 92.23/ kilo
Lean Season Php 115.00/ kilo
PSA- Country Stat, 2015- 2020
Banana Industry Profile

The province ranks 2nd in Banana production in the region with 32.82% contribution to regional output (PSA, 2020)
Area Planted:
28,646.53 hectares (2022)
233,156.41 metric tons
32.82% to the regional output
Number of Farmers:
Number of Processors (Banana Chips):
Farm Gate Price:
Php 12.36/ kg (Saba, 2022)
Php 21.04/ kg (Lantudan, 2022)
Php 34.33/ kg (Lakatan, 2022)
Retail Price:
Php 49.86/kg (Saba, 2022)
Php 51.54/kg (Lantudan, 2022)
Php 84.61/kg (Lakatan, 2022)

Area Planted:
7,554.10 hectares (2022)
9,751.41 MT (2022)
1.25 MT/Ha
Number of Farmers:
Number of VCO Processors:
Farm Gate Price:
Coconut green, young 'buko‘- PhP 9.29 per kg (PSA,2022)
Coconut matured – PhP 9.23 per kg (PSA, 2022)
Retail Price:
Coconut Matured- PhP24.80 per kg; (CASEMPCO)
PhP 450.00 per liter of VCO